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文档介绍:民工潮(1)新年春节刚过,农村的破旧小车站就挤满了成千上万的农民。(2)他们只有一个目的,到城市去。The Flood of Migrant Job-Seekers to the Urban Areas Only a few days after the Lunar Spring festival ,millions of peasants (farmers)swarm into the little shabby railway stations in the countryside with a single purpose --- to get to the cities.(3) 八十年代初,农村的改革,使得千千万万的农民从土地上解放了出来,纷纷跑到城市找工作。(4)自那以后,这种大规模的民工潮一直使城市感到头痛。Ever since the early 1980s , the flood of the migrant job-seekers has greatly beset the cities, when the reform in the rural areas relieved millions of peasants from their lands to seek jobs there. (5)这不仅因为对城市设施造成了极大的压力,而且他们担心会引发许多社会矛盾。This is not just because of the pressure they place on the infrastructure(基础设施)in the cities, but also because people will worry about the social strains(contradiction) they might bring about .(6)所以外来民工往往被看成是二等公民,不能成为城市居民,孩子不能在城市读书。As a consequence ,these migrant job-seekers are regarded as the second-rate citizens, being denied the right to e the permanent urban residents and the right to send their children to public schools. (7)但另一方面,城市和经济开发区的发展急切需要大批劳力到工厂和建设工地。But on the other hand, the large quantities of labor forces are needed in the factories and the construction sites, due to the development of the urban areas and economic development zones.(8)而且政府也感到如果不让农民出来,让他们也富起来,成乡的贫富差别将进一步拉大。(9)而农民的不满加剧,会导致社会动乱。And the government believes that if the peasants are denied the opportunity to enter the cities to get a share of the country’s growing prosperity, the gap between the rich urban areas and the poor rural areas will be widened further,which will end up with their discontentment that might fuel social unrest. 当我在小学毕了业的时候,亲友一致的愿意我去学手艺,好帮助母亲。我晓得我应当去找饭吃,以减轻母亲的勤劳困苦。可是,我也愿意升学。我偷偷的考入了师范学校——制服,饭食,书籍,宿处,都由学校供给。只有这样,我才敢对母亲说升学的话。入学,要交十圆的保证金。这是一笔巨款!母亲作了半个月的难,而把这笔款筹到,而后含泪把我送出门去。她不辞辛劳,只要儿子有出息。当我由示范毕业,而被派为小学校长,母亲与我都一夜不曾合眼。我只说了句:“以后,您可以歇一歇了!”她的回答只有一串串的眼泪。(2014年英语专八考试汉译英部分真题) After I graduated from primary school,myrelatives and friends all suggested that


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