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宝马E92 车身配置产品信息培训手册(英文).pdf

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宝马E92 车身配置产品信息培训手册(英文).pdf

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宝马E92 车身配置产品信息培训手册(英文).pdf


文档介绍:Aftersales Training -
Product information.
Body/Interior Trim and Equipment
BMW Service
The information contained in the product information form an integral part of the training
literature of Aftersales Training.
Refer to the latest relevant BMW Service information for any changes/supplements to the
Technical Data.
Information status: May 2006
Contact: ******@
© 2006 BMW AG
Munich, Germany
Reprints of this publication or its parts require the written approval of
BMW AG, München.
VS-12 Aftersales Training
Product Information.
Body/Interior Trim and Equipment
Performance in perfect form
Notes on this product information
Symbols used
The following symbols are used in this product information to facilitate
prehension and to draw attention to important information.
3 contains information to facilitate better understanding of the
described systems and their function.
1 identifies the end of a note.
Information status and national variants
BMW vehicles conform to the highest safety and quality standards.
Changes in terms of environmental protection, customer benefits and
design render necessary continuous development of systems and
components. Consequently, this may result in deviations between this
product information and the vehicles available in the training course.
This document describes only EURO variants of left-hand drive vehicles.
Some controls ponents are in part arranged differently in right-
hand drive vehicles than shown on the graphics in the product
information. Further differences may arise as the result of the equipment
variants used in specific markets or countries.
Additional sources of information
Further information on the individual topics can be found in the following
sources of information:
- Owner's Handbook
- BMW diagnosis system
- Workshop systems documentation
- SBT BMW Service Technology.
Body/Interior Trim and
Equipment E92.
Objectives 1