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文档介绍:The Influenceaboutthe Index of Thermal Inertia on the DynamicHeatTransferofBuilding EnvelopeA Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of MasterCandidate:Xi HeSupervisor:Prof. Guan YanlingChang’an University, Xi’an, Chinai摘要建筑围护结构的传热是建筑能耗的主要部分。由于实际的传热过程是非稳态的,因此,影响围护结构传热的性能参数不仅有传热阻,还应包括热惰性指标。本文围绕热惰性指标对墙体传热性能的影响展开研究,为建筑节能提供一些帮助。本文建立了外墙一维非稳态传热模型,应用拉氏变换法,对热阻相同但热惰性指标不同的两组墙体,分别进行非稳态传热计算,分析两组墙体传热的差异,并应用FLUENT软件对相同问题进行计算,并将数值模拟结果进行分析,通过对比分析两种算法得出的数据,来验证计算模型的可靠性。本文针对西安地区某栋公共建筑,根据现行的节能设计标准,选定建筑墙体结构,应用DeST软件对其进行建筑能耗的动态模拟,得到全年的动态冷、热负荷,研究分析了热惰性指标对冷、热负荷的影响,并详细说明了墙体热惰性指标对减少传热的作用。热惰性指标对促进建筑节能工作的开展,具有重要的理论意义和工程应用价值。关键词:非稳态传热;热惰性指标;数值模拟;能耗模拟与分析iiAbstractThe heattransfer of the building envelope is the main part of the building energy consumption. Since the actual heat transfer process isunsteady state, therefore the impact of building envelope heat transfer performance parametersisnot only the transfer thermal resistance, but also including the thermal inertia index. This paper focuses on the thermal inertia indexonthe impact of the wall heat transfer performance, and provides some help for building energy this paper,we establish the external walls of one-dimensional unsteady heat transfer model, take full account of the difference of the wall thermal inertia, using the non-steady heat transfer in Las transformation method for unsteady heat transfer studies parative analysis of the difference between the results of theoretical solutions. Using FLUENT software for the simulation of the external and internal walls temperature field, and numerical simulation results were analyzed by comparative analysis of two sets of data to verify the reliability of the calculation article uses DeST software dynamic simulation of the energy consumption of public buildings in Xi'an area of a typical energy-saving, combined with existing energy efficiency design standards set construction