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文档介绍:第五部分,水权转让合同的成立和生效。该部分分析』7水权转让合同成立和生效的要件。第六部分丰要研究了水权转让合同的内容。水权转让合同的内容包括水权转让人和受让人的权利和义务以及第三人的权利。第七部分主要探讨了水权转让合同违约责任的承担方式。关键词:水权、水权转让、水权转让合同 Abstract The contract of water rights transfer is ailewcivil contract-It is mon choice of allof the countries in the world intheadministrative area of water resource with the background that the public law rating theprivate contract of water rights transfer not only hasthe characteristic ofconventional civillaw,but also hasdeveloped some Drincipies of conventional civillaw,such as the relativity of self-rule ,the Water Law of our countW hasn,ttouched the contract of water rights transfer,which can’tmeet the need of the developing itisnecessary for US tostudy the theories of the contract of water rights contract of water rights transfer is ameans oflimitation of theenvironmental rights on the thisarticle,the author discusses theconcept,characteristics. content and rationality of the contract of water rights thisdissertation has solIIe effect on thedeveloping transfer practice of water rights. The articleiSdivided into seven sections. The first section introduces theriseand theproblem of the contract of water rights actuality ofacademic research and the emphasis ofthisdissertation. The second section researches the content ofthe contract of water rights section elaborates oncept ofwater,water rights transfer,the contract of waterrights transfer,etc. The thirdsection analyzes therationality of the contract of water rights thebasis of theciviltheories,this section analyzes the necessity and thepossibility of the contract ofwaterrights transfer. The fourthsection analyzes thecharacteristic ofthe contract ofwater rights contract ofwater rights transfer not only has the characteristic ofprivate benefit,but alsohas thecharacteristic ofpublic is a effective restrain method ofpublic


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