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应急氧气呼吸器的使用方法 Resuscitation.doc

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应急氧气呼吸器的使用方法 Resuscitation.doc

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应急氧气呼吸器的使用方法 Resuscitation.doc


文档介绍:EMERGENCY OXYGEN RESUSCITATOR 应急氧气呼吸器 The pressure guage is used for testing pressure, the regulator is used for adjust the pressure , place right side for Adult , place center for child and left side for infant. 压力表是用来检测和监测压力. 正常工作压力应在绿色区域. 调整器是调节压力输出, 打到右满档是救护成年人, 中间救护儿童, 左侧是救护婴儿. Regulator 调整器 Pressure gauge 压力表 The Aspirator is used for removing the clog in mouth or nose. Connect the catheter (white) to the aspirator and tight well. Connect the green hose with aspirator. T hen put the catheter into mouth or nose, push the button, the aspirator will working and remove the clog in mouth or nose. , 再将吸出器和绿色气管联接好, 将白色导管插入口或鼻腔内,按动其按钮即可进行外吸作业. Aspirator 吸出器 Cylinder valve 气瓶阀 EMERGENCY OXYGEN RESUSCITATOR 应急氧气呼吸器 Mask suitable size for the patient screws in the mask adoptor of the auto resuscitator , then connect it with green hose and screwed well. T hen oxygen will flow out , the mouth and nose of the patient shall be covered with the mask closely adhesive. 选择合适的面罩拧到呼吸器上, 然后将绿色气管和呼吸器连接好即可进行救护作业. In case of oxygen inhaling through the humidifier, infuse plai


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