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Presented by 王英,李雪莲,李倩黄春兰,王华,方晓国.ppt

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Presented by 王英,李雪莲,李倩黄春兰,王华,方晓国.ppt

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Presented by 王英,李雪莲,李倩黄春兰,王华,方晓国.ppt


文档介绍:L2 Acquisition(2)
Presented by 王英,李雪莲,李倩
Input and output
The role of UG in L2 acquisition
Input and output
Input: what learners hear and read
Some opinions concerning the relations between input and output
A number of researchers prehensible input as a major causative factor in L2 acquisition.
The most influential ones:
Krashen’s Input Hypothesis:
L2 is acquired by prehensible input
Comprehensible input: the bit of language that contains structures a little bit beyond their current level petence
‘i+1’ notion: current stage of knowledge as i and the next stage as ‘i+1’
It is argued that only when there is a gap between the input and the learner’s current interlanguage and, crucially, when the learner perceives the gap as a gap in knowledge, will acquisition take place.
Main task for teacher: to ensure that students prehensible input
Output(speaking and writing): a RESULT of acquisition and not its CAUSE.
Speaking is the result of acquisition, not its cause; learner production does not contribute directly to acquisition
Swain’s different opinion
Input alone is insufficient for acquisition
Evidence: Canadian children learning French in immersion schools progress very slowly without output
A number of studies have shown that although immersion learners achieve considerable confidence in using the L2 and considerable discourse skills, they fail to develop more marked grammatical distinctions, such as that between French posé and imparfait, and full petence. Swain argues that this be cannot be explained by a lack prehensible input, as immersion classrooms are rich in this. She speculates that it might be because the learners had limited opportunity to talk in the classroom and were not ‘pushed’ in the output they did produce.
The notion prehensible output
Swain argues that learners need the opportunity for meaningful use of their linguistic resources to achieve full petence. She argues that when learners municative fail


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