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文档介绍:. 摘要随着电力工业的迅速发展,电力系统的规模日益庞大和复杂,出现的各种故障,会给发电厂以及用户和电厂内的多种动力设备的安全带来威胁,并有可能导致电力系统事故的扩大,从技术和安全上考虑直接进行电力试验可能性很小,迫切要求运用电力仿真来解决这些问题,依据电网用电供电系统电路模型要求,因此,论文利用 MATLAB 的动态仿真软件 Simulink 搭建了单机—无穷大电力系统的仿真模型,能够满足电网可能遇到的多种故障方面运行的需要。论文以 MATLAB R2009 b电力系统工具箱为平台,通过 SimPowerSyetem 搭建了电力系统运行中常见的单机—无穷大系统模型,设计得到了在该系统发生各种短路接地故障并故障切除的仿真结果。本文做的主要工作有: (1)Simulink 下单机—无穷大仿真系统的搭建(2)系统故障仿真测试分析通过实例说明,若将该方法应用到电力系统短路故障的诊断中,快速实现故障的自动诊断、检测,对于提高电力系统的稳定性具有十分重要的意义。关键词电力系统;暂态稳定; MATLAB ;单机—无穷大; . Abstract With the rapid development of power industry, the scale of power system is increasingly large plex, all kinds of fault, to power plants and power plants and users ina variety of power equipment safety threat, and is likely to lead to the expansion of power system accident, from the technical and safety considering direct electricity experiment was carried out on the possibility is very small, urge electric power simulation are used to solve these problems, according to the power supply system of power grid power circuit model, asa result, paper use MATLAB dynamic simulation software Simulink has set upa simulation model for the single - infinite power system, can satisfy the needs of the running ofa fault may encounter a variety of ways. Paper R2009b with MATLAB toolbox power system asa platform, through SimPowerSyetem set up power system in the operation of mon single - infinity system model, design the various kinds of short-circuit ground fault occurs in the system and simulation results of fault removed. The main work is: (1) Building this simulation system of single - infinite under Simulink (2) F ault simulation test analysis of system Through examples, if this method to the power system fault diagnosis, fast fault detection and diagnosis, automatic for improving the stability of power system has important significance. keywords : Single — infinite ; SimPowerSyetem ; Short circuit faults ; Wavelet transform . 目录绪论.....................................................................................


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