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文档介绍:( 此文档为 word 格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改! ) 老凹坝小学 2011 年秋季学期五年级上册英语教案——唐加奇 Unit 1 MY NEW TEACHERS 第一课时教学目标与要求 1、能听、说、认、读,并理解本课的五个新单词: young, heavy, old , funny, kind ; 2、能掌握句型: Who ’ s your …? What ’ she /she like? 3、培养学生热爱、尊敬老师的情感。教学建议Ⅰ.Warm-up 1、 Show a picture of some classrooms. Music room /Art room /Computer room / Lab 2、各个教室出现不同的老师或继续采用图片的形式:将各个教师贴到相应的教室里。 Who is he/she? He /She ‘sour Music / Art / Computer / Science teacher. II. Presentation 1、采用 CAI 的形式设计一位转学来校就读的新朋友:Zi p让他做一个有趣的动作. T: This is Zip, he is…. S: Funny! T: Yes, he is funny, do you like him ? This term he will beour new classmate. 2、 CA I点击 Zip ,让 Zip自己介绍: Hello! I’ m Zip .I’ m glad tobe your new classmate. This isa picture of my former school. 3、 CAI: Zip 介绍自己的老师: (a) Look! This is my math teacher (教师拿出一本数学书解释).He ’ s tall and thin. T: Who is your Chinese teacher? T: Miss Zhang. What ’ s she like? (学生 read ,教师用态势语帮助学生理解)Can you tell me ? Ss: He ’s short and fat! Zip: Yes, he’ s short and heavy . (read 用夸张的的体态语描述) Practice: “ heavy ”.(出示一些卡通胖人物的图片: Zoom, Zhu Bajie , etc) (b) Ss: (教师启发学生问) Who is your music teacher and who is your art teacher? Zip : Guess ! Ss guess. Ss: What ’she /she like ?(compare) Zip: She is young and he is old( 长着胡须). (read) Practise: T:I ’m old ,you are young. 让学生逐个说: I’ m young , you are old. (c) Ss :Who is puter teacher? Zip : Mr Li. T: (出示这位老师和蔼可亲的笑脸)What ’ she like? Ss: He ’ s…(让学生随意描述,之后教师导出 kind) 作业布置: 第二课时教学目标与要求 1、能听懂、会说并在实际情景中运用以下对话: Do you have new teachers? Yes, we have a new English/math/art/science/puter/music/. teacher. Who ’s your English/math/art/science/puter/music/. teacher? Mr. Zhao/Mr Ma/Miss Liu … What ’s he/she like? He ’ s/She ’s thin and short. And he’ s/she ’s very kind. 2、了解歌谣的含义,并能吟唱歌谣的内容; 3、能将所学的句子运用在游戏当中,并能在实际情景中进行运用。课前准备 1、写有教师名字,所任学科的胸卡; 2、展示人物特征的一些小道具; 3、请学生课前设计好一张你心目中最理想的学科教师图片。教学建议 I. Warm-up 1、 Let ’ s chant. 上节课中的词汇自编歌谣。(CAI) My grandma is old, my mother is young. My father is tall, my little brother is short. Zoom is heavy, Zip is funny. They ar