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文档介绍:Abstract Graduate education the ponent ofstrategic decisions ofbuilding powerful higher education and innovation-oriented courltry,which also an important carrier totrainhigh-quality innovative talents. With theestablishment ofthemarket economic system andthedeepening ofhigher education reform,in 2006,China launched theGraduateTraining Mechanism COre ofthereform toconstruct thescience-oriented supervisor responsibility system and scientificresearch—subject-oriented supervisor actions oftheCOuntl"y,voices ofthesupervisors andexpectations ofthegraduate students,the tutorialsystemreform proceeding ,the effectiveness ofthereform mixed,causing asustained and widespread concern,questioning and requiresus toponder what kind ofdifficultiesresearch-oriented funding system willface,what causestheseproblems,and from which aspects we should do toimprove thesupervisor funding system inChina. This paper dicusses the background and significance of the study,summarizes theresearch achievements athome andabroad,andanalyzes theresearchideasand methods partsummarizes oncepts andtheories need tobedefined two universities as acase,the author conducts asample survey ongraduate students indifferentmajorsusing themethod of questionnaire survey,and using theSPSS statisticalsoftware,deeply analyze two aspects-the situation of supervisor funding system and therelationship between supervisors innovation saidthatfunding system there existsignificant differences between different professional instructors funding efforts intheimplementation process,the teacher-studentrelationship needs tobeimproved,not enthusiastictutordisadvantagedsubjects anddisciplines squeezed uneven development and otherissues; thereason that thereform by theconstraints ofoperating costs,theimpact oftraditional culture,lack of reforms and from experience


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