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文档介绍:本科生毕业设计(论文) I 摘要变速器是汽车重要的传动系组成,在较大范围内改变汽车行驶速度的大小和汽车驱动轮上扭矩的大小。变速器能在发动机旋转方向不变的前提下,使汽车倒退行驶,而且利用挡位可以中断动力的传递。变速器是车辆不可或缺的一部分, 其中机械式变速箱设计发展到今天,其技术已经成熟,但对于我们还没有踏出校门的学生来说,其中的设计理念还是很值得我们去探讨、学习的。设计的变速箱来说,其特点是:扭矩变化范围大可以满足不同的工况要求, 结构简单,易于生产、使用和维修,价格低廉,而且采用结合套挂挡,可以使变速器挂挡平稳,噪声降低,轮齿不易损坏。在设计中采用了 5+1 档手动变速器, 通过较大的变速器传动比变化范围,可以满足汽车在不同的工况下的要求,从而达到其经济性和动力性的要求;变速器挂档时用结合套,虽然增加了成本,但是使汽车变速器操纵舒适度增加,齿轮传动更平稳。本文主要介绍了机械式变速器的概述及其方案的确定、变速器主要参数的选择与主要零件的设计、变速器齿轮的强度计算与材料的选择、变速器轴的强度计算与校核、变速器同步器的设计以及变速器的操纵机构。关键字:变速器关键词: 客车;变速器;同步器本科生毕业设计(论文) II A bstract The transmission gearbox, as an important part in automobile driving system is used to make up the ing of engine torque and rotary speed. It can change the vehicle speed and type torque ina big scope, cut off the power transfer from the engine, and also provides a reverse traveling direction for the vehicle. Transmission is an integral part of the vehicle, including mechanical design development of transmission, the technology has matured, but we have not taken the school's students, of which the design is still very worthwhile for us to explore and learn of. Gearbox design, its features are: large torque range to meet the requirements of different operating conditions, simple structure, easy production, use and maintenance, low cost, and the use bination sets required shifting allows smooth transmission required shifting, noise reduction isnot easy damaged teeth. Used in the design of the 5 +1 manual transmission, transmission through the large changes in the scope of the transmission ratio, to meet the vehicle requirements of different conditions, so as to achieve its economic and power requirements; transmission linked file bining sets, although the increase in cost, but the manipulation of the automobile transmission to fort, smoother gear. This paper introduces an overview of mechanical transmission and the program determined that the main parameters of transmission of the selection and design of the main parts, transmission gear strength calculat