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文档介绍:路遥接受史论中国现当代文学专业研究生:王海军指导教W-白浩摘要路遥及其创作作为80年代以来当代文学史的重要构成元素,在社会转型期应该具有重要和多重的文学史意义。然而,长期以来读者对路遥及其作品的强烈追捧、主流批评的“热评”和文学史家对其历来的漠视以及有意回避、评价不足等形成了新时期以来极具时代特性和富有争议性的“路遥现象”。“路遥现象"是80年代以来时代的因子在政治、经济和文化三种合力下交互嬗变的结果,对于具有类“路遥现象"的任何一个作家而言都无法避免这种合力作用下的文学史命运。故对“路遥现象”的研究可以揭示具有类“路遥现象’’的作家何以会无缘当代文学史;何以会在读者、批评界和学院派文学史家之间形成“冰火两重天’’的“路遥现象”。本论文分为导论、正文和结语三个部分: 导论部分引入所研究的问题,研究方法和研究意义。 J下文分三章:第一章从大众、批评界和“学院派”三方面对路遥在不同时期的接受史实进行系统梳理,并在此基础上提出“路遥现象”;第二章论述形成“路遥现象"的根本原因是路遥及其文学创作的价值追寻与“学院派”文学史家的价值追寻的错位。第三章以路遥为中心,横向比较以路遥、贾平凹、陈忠实为代表的“陕西第二代作家"不同的文学史命运。并从文化(包括传统文化和地域文化)差异及其作家知识建构的不同得出造成“路遥现象”的隐性原因。结语部分得出“路遥现象”是当代政治、经济、文化在新时期交互嬗变的结果。关键词:路遥接受史学院派大众评论 The history eptance on Lu Yao Major:Chinese contemporary literature Candidate:Wang Haijun Supervisor:Professor Bai Hao Abstract:As the important insacape of Chinese Contemporary Literature Yao and hisworks should have important and mulriple ,there is apeculiar phenomenon on Lu Yao,we called it‘Lu Yao Xian Xiang’for along time,the reason why ‘LuYao Xian Xiang’came intobeing form thetwo main istheenthusiasm forreading,which isform reader and having agood reputation menter,the other ment which is from academism who study the history on Chinese Contemporary Literature. There are more and more reasons which lead tothe‘LU Yao Xian Xiang’. three main reasons are very important,which include the politic, economy and restricted and infected one another which made very strengthened plex forany author who lives on thattimes and ustlikeLU Yao cannot avoid thefatewhich iSform position studies for‘Lu Yao Xian Xiang’should opened out why History ofChinese Contemporary Literature refuse the Lu Yao and theauthor who just likehim,why there iS atwo heaven of iceand firefor‘LU Yao Xian Xiang’. The thesis can constitute threeparts,which iStheintroduction,the text and epilogue. The introduction should mainly introduce the studies ways ofstudying and signification. 2 The text can bedivided