文档介绍:1 本科生毕业设计(论文) 学院: 专业: 学生: 指导教师: 完成日期: 2012 年5月 02日 2 大连理工大学城市学院本科生毕业设计(论文) 红外线防盗报警器设计总计毕业设计(论文) 50 页表格 2 个插图 27幅 3 外线防盗报警器摘要伴随着社会的发展, 人们的生活质量不断提高, 拥有了更多的奢饰品, 因此防盗就成了一项重要的课题。本次毕业设计的红外线防盗报警器是基于电源电路给整个电路提供+5V 电压,通过红外线发射和接受系统来感应是否有人闯入, 并通过单片机系统向声光报警电路发出信号, 达到声光报警的目的。论文首先简单介绍了红外线防盗报警器的发展背景、基本电路结构和工作原理, 以及国内红外线防盗报警器的发展状况, 然后结合应用电路具体介绍了该应用电路的工作原理。论文详细论述了电源电路的具体变压、整流、滤波、稳压过程, 以及通过单片机系统内部程序的设定来区分红外线接受端电压的变化, 并通过单片机来控制声光报警电路, 最后通过 555 定时器来输出稳定的信号。最后, 附录部分附有本次设计所应用到的电路原理图。关键词: 报警器, 51单片机;红外线发送与接受; 555 定时器 4 Infrared Burglar Alarm Abstract The design and development of graduation infrared burglar alarm is based on the power supply circuit for the entire circuit to provide +5V voltage, through an infrared transmitting and receiving system whether the intrusion sensors, SCM system and through to the sound and light alarm circuit sent a signal to sound and light alarm purposes. The paper introduced the simple anti-theft alarm infrared background of the development, basic circuit structure and working principle, Infrared and domestic security alarm state of development, bined application specific circuits on the application of circuit theory. Papers discussed in detail the specific power rectifier circuit, rectifier, filtering, Regulators process. SCM system, as well as through the creation of internal procedures to distinguish between infrared receiving terminal voltage changes. and through MCU to control sound and light alarm circuit, the final adoption of555 timer output signal stability. Finally, the appendix attached to this part of the design applied to the circuit diagram. K eywords : Power Circuit;Mcs-51; Infrared send and receive; 555 timer 5 目录前言………………………………………………………………………… 7 第一章概述…………………………………………………………………… 8 红外线防盗报警器的发展前景………………………………………… 8 红外线防盗报警器的基本工作原理…………………………………… 9 红外线防盗报警器的基本组成………………………………………… 10 国内发展状况………………………………………………………… 14 第二章电源电路设计…………………………………………………………… 15 功能简介………………………………………………………………… 15 变压器电路……………………………………………………………… 15 整流电路…………