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雅思培训-听力 PPT课件.ppt

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雅思培训-听力 PPT课件.ppt



文档介绍:IELTS Intensive Training Listening Part Kimberly. Wu coralwawzj@ Introduction ? IELTS listening part contains four sections ? Totally 40 questions ? It lasts 40 minutes (30 minutes for listening, 10 minutes for transferring answers to answer sheet) ? You have time to have a look at questions BEFORE you listen. How to Assess listening 16-18 7 29-32 5 19-20 33-35 21-22 8 36-37 6 23-25 38-39 26-28 9 40 Score Number of right answer Score Number of right answer Overview of Listening Skills Before you start to listen ? Read the instructions carefully ? Identify the information you need to listen for ? Try to predict the answers ? Identify answers containing nouns ? Try to identify the noun form (singular/plural) While you are listening ? Ignore misinformation ? Listen for repeated answers ? Listen for paraphrased answers ? Try to identify speakers ’ opinion At the end of the test ? Try to predict the answers to any questions you missed ? Check for grammatical accuracy Notes ? Spelling ? Plural/ singular nouns ? Capital letters ? Instruction Basic Listening Skills for IELTS ? Identify the information needed ? Ignoring misinformation ? Listen for paraphrased answers ? Listening for repeated information ? Checking for grammatical accuracy Identify the information needed ? Identify the type of information you need to listen for Listen to Listen for eg .(教材 Page15 ) Ignore Misinformation ? What is misinformation? ? Misinformation es before the information needed ? Practice more to ignore misinformation Listen to paraphrased Answers Multiple Choice Matching Similar meaning Different expressions Practice to paraphrased the information
