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文档介绍:第 33 卷第 36 期中国电机工程学报 , 2013 2013 年 12 月 25 日 Proceedings of the CSEE ?2013 . 79 文章编号: 0258-8013 (2013) 36-0079-09 中图分类号: TM 352, TM 356 文献标志码: A 学科分类号: 470 ? 40 双向三相 AC/DC 变流器的无锁相环控制策略郑昕昕,肖岚,田洋天,张方华( 江苏省新能源发电与电能变换重点实验室( 南京航空航天大学) ,江苏省南京市 210016) A Control Strategy of Bidirectional Three-phase AC/DC Converters Without PLL ZHENG Xinxin, XIAO Lan, TIAN Yangtian, ZHANG Fanghua (Jiangsu Key Laboratory of New Energy Generati on and Power Conversion(Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics), Nanji ng 210016, Jiangsu Province, China) ABSTRACT: Three-phase AC/DC converters are widely used in medium and high power appl ications. SVPWM is the most common control method for the advantage of high DC voltage utilization and low harmonic content. The method needs to detect the grid voltage with the phase locked loop. The instantaneous phase angle of the grid voltage can be calculated for the coordinate transformati on. Thus the reference space voltage vector can be obtained. However, the grid voltage distortion may exist. Moreover, the detection of grid voltages and the calculation of phase an gles may have errors, which would influence the control precis ion. This paper discussed the feasibility of the SVPWM c ontrol method without the phase-locked loop (PLL) for bidirectional three-phase AC/


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