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上传人:xxj16588 2016/3/16 文件大小:0 KB




文档介绍:一1有些学生相信上课应该是随意的 S ome students believe that attendance at classes should be optional 2 传统学校认为学术训练比一个学生的自信心跟重要 T raditional schools think that academic training is more important 3,自由学校想青少年拥有一个幸福的童年而不是天天学习 L iberal schools want teenagers to have a happy childhood and not to study everyday 4许多老师相信纪律是在学校必不可少的 M any teachers believe that discipline is essential in schools 5许多成年人希望他们曾经上过一个有进步意义的学校。 M any adults wish that they had gone toa more progressive school 6孩子们应被给予这样的自由,即干他们喜欢的事情 C hildren should be give the freedom tobe themselves 7有些人认为寄宿学校应该废除 S ome people think boarding school should be abolished 8你的建议非常有趣 Your suggestion is very interesting 9我曾经是一个信心十足的少年 I was a full confidence teenager 10你对教育的态度是非常出人意料的 Your attitude towards education is very unexpected 二1沉默使旅行者感到非常孤独 The silence made the traveler feel very lonely 2这首诗中有很少的信息关于谁在楼里 T here is little information in the poem about who was in the building 3老人耸了耸肩,消失在黑暗中 The old man shrugged his shoulders and disappeared into the darkness 4青年男人给了穿破旧衣服男人一个皮革公文包 The young man gave the leather briefcase to the old man in rags 5他们担心那个老人还活着 T hey were worried at the news that the old man was still alive 6一个好的侦探故事引导读者们运用其想象力 A good detective story let the readers use their imagination 7旅行者通过黑暗凝视着阴森森的房子 The traveler stare at the ghostly house through the darkness 8老人的胡须非常肮脏,裤子大的不合身子 The old man ’s beard is very dirty and his trous