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文档介绍:Xiamen University (XMU, Latin: Universitas Amoiensis, Pinyin: XiàménDà xué, POJ: E-mng Toa-hak, Simplified Chinese: 厦门大学), colloquially known as Xia Da (Pinyin: XiàDà, POJ: E-toa, Simplified Chinese: 厦大), located in Xiamen, Fujian Province, is the first university in China founded by overseas Chinese. Before 1949, it was named University of Amoy. The school motto: "Pursue Excellence, Strive for Perfection (自强不息,止于至善)". Now this university ranked the 13th in China, which is in the front rank in China and maintain the top 20 ranking in china. This university is one of prehensive universities directly affiliated with the Education Ministry, is located in the city of Xiamen in Fujian Province. In 1995 it was included in the list of the “ 211 Project ” for the state key construction; in 2000 it became one of China ’s higher-level universities designated for the state key construction of the “ 985 Project ”. 厦门大学是由著名爱国华侨领袖陈嘉庚先生于 1921 年创办的,是中国近代教育史上第一所华侨创办的大学,也是我国唯一地处经济特区的国家“ 211 工程”和“ 985 工程”重点建设的高水平大学。 90 年来,学校秉承“自强不息,止于至善”的校训,积累了丰富的办学经验, 形成了鲜明的办学特色, 成为一所学科门类齐全、师资力量雄厚、居国内一流、在国际上有广泛影响的综合性大学。建校迄今,已先后为国家培养了 20 万多名本科生和研究生,在厦大学****工作过的两院院士达 60 多人。在厦门, 我流连在中国最美丽的城区——鼓浪屿, 感受人间仙境, 远离尘土, 把这花园之岛、建筑之岛,钢琴之岛、温馨之岛美育的鼓浪屿游走在我字里行间。美食小吃: 厦门的小吃其实挺多的,以下的这些不仅是厦门的小吃,还有些是当地比较有名的菜馆。且也是些价格比较适合我们背包族的馆子,有时间不妨可以一一尝一尝。>1、中山路的肉棕>2、九市的卤面>3、大同鸭肉粥>4、乌糖的沙茶面( 民族路酱油厂) >5、定安对面广州小食里的叉烧褒仔>6、银行中心五楼及国际银行四楼的日式咖喱---- 雅子,咖喱的口味刹