文档介绍:唐山学院毕业设计-- 1 唐山学院毕业设计设计题目: 年处理 18 万吨粗苯加氢精制工艺设计系别: 环境与化学工程系班级: 09石油化工生产技术( 2)班姓名: 丁伟伟指导教师: 程磊 2 0 1 2 年 6月 4日唐山学院毕业设计-- 2 18 万吨/ 年粗苯加氢精制工艺设计摘要粗苯为中间体产品,仅作为溶剂使用,但是精制后的焦化苯、焦化甲苯、焦化二甲苯等产品,是有机化工、医药和农药等的重要原料。业内专家认为,粗苯加氢精制技术代表了粗苯加工精制的发展方向,这一技术在我国的推广使用,不仅可使宝贵的苯资源得到充分利用,还可有效改善粗苯精制的面貌,提高清洁生产的水平。在本设计加氢工艺中,低温加氢工艺的加氢温度、压力较低,产品质量好,已被广泛用于以石油重整油、高温裂解汽油、焦化粗苯为原料的加氢生产中,因此本粗苯精制采用低温加氢精制工艺。纯苯精度可达 % 以上,甲苯也在99% 以上,产品纯度均优于其他方法。关键词: 粗苯加氢苯甲苯工艺设计唐山学院毕业设计-- 3 Process Design of Hydrogenation of Crude Benzene with Annual Handling Capacity of 180 Thousand Tons Abstract Crude Benzol for intermediate products, only use asa solvent, but after refining coking benzene, coke toluene, xylene and other coking products, organic chemicals, pharmaceuticals and pesticides, such as the important raw materials, Industry experts believe that crude benzene hydrogenation technology for refining crude benzene represents the direction of development of this technology in China to promote the use of benzene isnot only valuable resources can be fully utilized, can effectively improve the appearance of refined crude benzene, improve he middle level. During the design process of hydrogenation, the hydrogenation of low-temperature hydrogenation process temperature, low pressure, product quality, has been widely used in the oil re-oil, high temperature pyrolysis gasoline, coking crude benzene hydrogenation for the production of raw materials, so the use of low-temperature crude benzene hydrogenation refining process. Accuracy % pure benzene than toluene are more than 99% purity of product are better than other methods. Key words : Crude Benzene ; hydrogenation ; benzene ; Toluene ; process design 唐山学院毕业设计-- 4 目录 1引言............................................................................................................................ 1 设计的意义....................................................................................................... 1 设计指导思想和原则.................................................