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文档介绍:I 黑龙江东方学院学士学位毕业论文医疗病案管理信息系统学生姓名学号专业班级指导教师学部答辩日期 II 医疗病案管理信息系统摘要病案作为记载诊疗行为的文书和医疗信息最终汇聚点,在医院、教、研活动中扮演着重要的角色。如何科学、快捷、安全、有效的管理病案,实现医院病案价值利用的最大化, 建立病案管理信息系统,在医院信息系统建设中是一个重要环节。本文重点介绍了医院病案管理系统的设计与实现。在需求分析过程中,针对病案管理业务的特点,建立了系统功能模型,对系统的功能进行了划分;在系统设计中,介绍了系统整体架构与开发模式,对系统角色进行抽象、提取,给出了系统基础类,并对各个类进行了设计,阐述了它们之间的关系,并对其实例化转换为数据库关系模式,根据系统功能的要求,对系统模块进行了设计,在系统三层架构的设计中,详细介绍了业务逻辑层各组件的功能与主要方法的实现,针对病案管理的安全需求,设计了系统文件扫描与安全管理体系。通过医院病案系统的建立,代替手工作业,提高了工作效率,实现了快捷地提供各种病案信息和数据报表,提高病案管理的正确性,同时有效的保证了病案资料的安全。关键词: 病案;病案管理系统;扫描;认证 III Hospital Medical Record Management System Abstract The Medical Record plays an important role in the activities of astrology, teaching and research, which uses as noting the diagnosis and storing the medical information. An important part in the construction of Provincial Hospital information system is constitute the Medical Record management system scientifically, rapidly, safely and can be efficiently managed. In this paper the design and implementation of Provincial Hospital information system is introduced. In the process of requirement and analysis, we build the system model of use case and partition the functions of it, in the design of this system we introduce the whole construction and development schem e, abstract, distill and devise the system foundation classes and other classes, explain their relationships, transform the instances into the database relation schema. In the frame of three-tier architecture, the functions and implementation ponents in Business Logic Tier are introduced particularly. Focusing on the safety requirement of the Health Record management, the system file scan and safety management architecture are built. According to the build of the Provincial Hospital Medical Record system, the crew improves their work efficiency in the way of puter instead of handiwork, supply all kinds of Medical Record information an data Report, enhance the rate of management correctness and ensure the safety of it. Compile principle is an important course puter


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