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文档介绍:On theC arnivalistic Features ofNostromo by Yang Xiao’e Supervised by Deng Yingling Submitted to Foreign StudiesCollege Inpartial fulfillmentoftherequirements forthedegree of Master ofArts inthesubject of English Language and Literature Hunan Normal University Changsha June,201 1 ?5 川5 哪9 肿Y Abstract The novelNostromo laimed asthepolish-born English writerJoseph Conrad’Smasterpiece and crowning achievement for"its broad background,multiple characters,unique structure,and effective depiction ofhuman studiedNostromo from various aspects;howeveL mostof themhavejust concentrated on theseriousand tragic sideofthenovelandneglected itsabsurd ical thesistherefore triesanother new interpretation ofNostromo with Bakhtin’Spoetics analysis ofthecamivalistic featuresinthenovel,itprobes intothevery existing absurdity icality ofthenovelwhich embody theauthor’Scarnivalistic sense of theworld. The firstpart istheintroduction in which byexamining thedirect orindirect relationship between Bakhtin,Rabelais,and Conrad,it buildsup abridge between Bakhtin’Spoetics ofcarnivalization second part isthebody which posed by one focuses on thevarious kinds offigures thatmake up ofthecarnival collective,including the nondescript dilettanteMartin Decoud,the disguised General Montero andtheoddGeneral Barrios astheharlequins, thesuperficialCaptain Mitchelland idiotSotillo asthefools,and big Gamacho and smallSefiorFuentes,ugly Linda andbeautifulGisele as representatives of the paired of their typical characteristics,these carnival figures reallyprovoke laughter and icality ,these figures mocks allthat isconventional,authorial,and sacred,which turns outquite subversive as two examines respectively thecarnival ritualsofcrowning and decrowning of the significant figures likeCharles Gould and Nostromo


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