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文档介绍:专业资料专业专心专注本科生毕业设计(论文) 题目: 论积分因子的存在条件及其求法教学单位_ 计算机科学与技术学院姓名___ 彭倩___ 学号___ 200531105002 年级_____2005 级_________ 专业_ 数学与应用数学指导教师___宋荣荣职称_____ 讲师___ _____ 2009 年5月7日专业资料专业专心专注摘要在常微分方程理论的形成过程中,求解常微分方程曾出现过许多方法,如分离变量法、变量替换法、,,由于恰当方程的通解很容易得出,,,本文得到了几种求常微分方程积分因子的基本求法:观察法、公式法、. 关键词: 常微分方程;积分因子;恰当方程;三元原函数. 专业资料专业专心专注 Abstract Theory of ordinary differential equations in the formation process, the solution of ordinary differential equations there have been many methods, such as separation of variables, variable substitution method, constant variation, and so integral factor method. Especially integral factor method appears the latest, The biggest role. integral factor method is the essence of ordinary differential equations into appropriate, as the appropriate general solution of the equation is easy to draw, so we can easily obtain the solution of ordinary differential equations. therefore integral factor method the key to solution of ordinary differential equations is to find the integrating factor. In this paper, the dual differential equations first introduced the definition of the appropriate equation, and then in the dual non-appropriate conditions equation integrating factor leads to the definition and conditions for the existence of. By exploring the conditions for the existence of the integrating factor, this paper has been seeking several ordinary differential equations integral factor of the basic method: To observe the law, the formula law, sub-law and several special types of integral equation method factor. and avariety of integral factor adetailed appraisal method. and then the original function in accordance with the conditions for the existence of binary and integral factor of the law is derived for three conditions for


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