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文档介绍:第二章医学模式 Chapter 2 medical model 内容 Contents ?医学模式概念及其演变?生物心理社会医学模式与健康观?生物心理社会医学模式对医学和社会的作用? Definition and evolution of medical model ? Bio - psycho-social medical model and its views of health ? Impact of bio - psycho - social medical model on medicine and society 一、医学模式概念及其演变 Concept and Evolution of medical model : 模式 Model in Social Medicine ? Initially, concept of mathematical logic ? Highly simplified theoretical thinking of the fundamental nature of medical practice ? Abstract model (or conceptual model) ?最初是数理逻辑概念,即用系统中的一系列公式来表达形式逻辑理论?人类在与疾病抗争和认识自身生命过程中得出的对医学本质的高度概括?抽象的思想观念和思维方法 Medical Model ? Naturalistic and Philosophical view and methodology. In line with the viewpoint and method of materialism and dialectics to observe, analysis and cope with the issues related to the health and diseases. ? The core of medical model is the viewpoint of medicine, it mainly deals with the attribute, function, structure and the law of medical development ?以医学为对象的自然观和方法论, 即按照唯物论和辩证法的观点和方法去观察、分析和处理有关人类的健康和疾病问题。?核心是医学观,研究医学的属性、职能、结构和发展规律。 The role of Medical model ? ? The soul of social medicine ? Guiding principle ? Theory as well as methodology towards Health and disease 3. 医学模式的演变过程 Evolution of Medical Model : 神灵主义的医学模式( Spiritualism medical model) 自然哲学的医学模式(Nature philosophical medical model) 机械论的医学模式(Mechanistic medical model) 生物医学模式(Biomedical model) 生物—心理—社会医学模式(Bio-psycho-social medical model) 。 Spiritualism medical model How to look at health and disease? ? Life and health is bestowed by the God ? Disease is caused by supernatural powers ? Once offend the gods, or disfavored by the gods , disease is in the form of the punishment by the gods ? Possession of evil spirits, demons or monsters etc ?生命和健康由神所赐; ?疾病是由超自然的力量所引起的; ?人触犯神灵时,疾病代表神灵的惩罚; ?疾病是妖魔鬼怪附体。 Strategy1: drive the evil spirit away ? The natives of New Britain ascribe sickness, drought, the failure of crops, misfortunes, to the influence of wicke