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文档介绍:Lesson 26 He always goes to work early What time is it? What time is it? Talk about your daily routine. Talk about your daily routine. 1. What time do you wake up? 2. What time do you get up? 3. What time do you have your breakfast? 4. What time do you go to school? 5. What time do you have lunch? 6. What time do you do your homework? 7. What time do you have supper? 8. What time do you go to bed? Talk about your father Talk about your father ’’ s daily s daily routine. routine. time does your father get up? time does he go to work? time does e back? time does he go to bed? What does your father do? What does your father do? Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks with the phrases you hear. Answers: go to work has meetings goes out to Listen to the dialogue again and Listen to the dialogue again and number the pictures in order. number the pictures in order. 1 2 3 4 1. What does Melissa ’ s dad do? He ’ s a photographer for the magazine. 2. What does he usually do in the mornings? He usually has meetings in the morning. Answer the questions. Answer the questions. 3. Where does he often take photos? He often goes out to take photos in the mountains and forest. 4. Does Melissa help her father with his pictures? No, she doesn ’ t. 5. Do they always use his photograph in the magazine? Not always, but usually. Get to know words of frequency. Get to know words of frequency. always/ usually/ often/ sometimes/ seldom/ never Tom writes 100 letters to Mary in a month. He always writes letters to Mary.