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文档介绍:陈紫忻 Do you have a dream place in your heart? Are you fed up with the “ phonies ” around you? The world is so dark, do you feel the feel that escaping from the world? The dream place is … The rye My favorite book: The Catcher in the Rye. About the book: The Catcher in the Rye is a 1951 novel by J. D. Salinger . Originally published for adults, it has since e popular with adolescent readers for its themes of teenage confusion, angst( 焦虑) , alienation (疏远) , language, and rebellion (叛逆) . It has been translated into almost all of the world ‘ s major languages. Around 250,000 copies are sold each year, with total sales of more than 65 million . The novel ’ s protagonist (主角) and antihero, Holden Caulfield, has e an icon (偶像) for teenage rebellion. About the writer About the setting . World War II In 1941, Salinger started dating Oona O'Neill, daughter of the playwright Eugene O'Neill. Despite finding the debutante self- absorbed (he confided to a friend that "Little Oona's hopelessly in love with little Oona "), he called her often and wrote her long letters.[24] Their relationship ended when Oona began seeing Charlie Chaplin, whom she eventually married.[25] In late 1941, Salinger briefly worked on a Caribbean cruise ship, serving as an activity director and possibly as a performer. Post-war years After Germany's defeat, Salinger signed up for a six-month period of " Denazification " duty in Germany[37] for the Counterintelligence Corps. He lived in Weissenburg and, soon after, married a woman named Sylvia Welter. He brought her to the United States in April 1946, but the marriage fell apart after eight months and Sylvia returned to Germany.[38] Years later, in 1972, Salinger's daughter Margaret was with him when he received a letter from Sylvia. He looked at the envelope, and without reading it, tore it apart. It was the first time he had heard from her since the breakup, but as Margaret put it, "when he was finished with


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