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文档介绍:2011 NGO Volunteer Projects Submission Form 2011 年度公益组织项目申请表 The Introduction of Intel Involved “英特尔参与社区”项目介绍 Intel Involved encourages, supports and recognizes employee volunteers. From teaching in classrooms, cleaning beaches and rivers, and planting trees to bringing technology to rural villages, serving on governing boards or applying professional skills to help anization meet its mission , employees give their time, talents and energy to build munities around the world. “英特尔参与社区”项目是英特尔公司努力倡导并推崇的员工志愿服务项目。无论是清理海滩垃圾, 助教,植树,还是利用职业技能帮助某个机构实现愿景,英特尔的员工志愿者努力为建设一个富有朝气的社区无私地奉献着自己的时间、才华和力量。“ Intel Involved ” initiative started in China from 1998 to connect Intel volunteers and munities by sharing our skills, expertise and caring. In 2010, 56% Intel China employees participated munity projects initiated by Intel or NGOs, and donat ed more than 47,000 volunteering hours to neighbourhoods. We are looking forward to more and deep collaborat ion with NGO partners in 2011. 1998 年“英特尔参与社区”项目进入中国,通过和社区分享技能和爱心来构起与社区间联系的桥梁。 2010 年, 56% 英特尔中国员工参与了由公司以及公益组织倡导的社区活动, 并且为我们的社区捐献了超过 47,000 小时的志愿时间。 2011 年我们期待与更多的公益组织建立更加密切的合作。 We e you as part of Intel Involved worldwide for big ess! 欢迎加入“英特尔参与社区”计划! Requirements on the proposed projects: ? Project Location: Shanghai / Beijing / Shenzhen ? Team building projects for 10– 100 Persons ?No limitations on the activity format, but your proposed activities


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