文档介绍:戈洛博翻译- 英语词汇库
(人体部位 Human Body Parts)
an 器官;head 头;scalp 头皮;dandruff 头皮屑;hair follicle 毛囊;crown 头顶;bald head 秃头/光头;hair 头发;forelock留海/额发;blond hair 金发;kinky hair 卷缩发;wavy hair 波浪发;straight hair 直发;forehead 额/脑门;temple太阳穴;philtrum 人中;ophryon 印堂;sidebums 鬓角;face 脸;wrinkle 皱纹;crow's feet 鱼尾纹;freckle 雀斑;dimple 酒涡;pimple 粉刺;wart 瘊子;naevus/mole 痦子;pockmark麻子;naevus/mole 痣;cheekbone 颧骨;chin 下巴;cheek 面颊;jaw 颚;maxilla 上颚;mandible 下颚;jawbone 颚骨;eye 眼睛;right eye 左眼;left eye 右眼;dark eye 黑眼睛;brown eye 茶色眼睛;blue eye 蓝眼睛;hazel eye 淡褐色眼睛;almond eye 杏仁眼;phoenix eye 丹凤眼;cross eyes 对眼/斗鸡眼;double eyelid 双眼皮;single-fold eyelid 单眼皮;eyebrow/brows 眉毛;eyelash 睫毛;eyelid 眼皮/眼睑;eyeball 眼珠;white of the eye 眼白;cornea 角膜;conjunctiva结膜;iris 虹膜;sclera 巩膜;pupil 瞳孔;choroid脉络膜;retina 视网膜;optic disc 视神经盘;macula lutea 视网膜黄斑;aqueous humor(眼球的)水状体;lens (眼球的)晶状体;vitreous body (眼球的)玻璃体;ciliary body(眼球的)睫状体;lacrimal apparatus 泪器;ophthalmic 眼动脉;ear耳朵;right ear 左耳;left ear 右耳;inner ear canal内耳道;lobe 耳垂;earwax 耳垢;eardrum 耳膜;left eustachian tube 左耳咽管;right eustachan tube 右耳咽管;auditory canal 听道;aural nerve 听觉神经;tympanic cavity 鼓室;auditory tube 咽鼓管;vestibule 前庭;cochlea 耳蜗;semicircular canal 半规管;nose 鼻子;nasal cavity 鼻腔;nasal passages 鼻道;nostril 鼻孔;nostril hair 鼻毛;snot 鼻涕;bridge of the nose 鼻梁;upturned nose 朝天鼻;aquiline nose 鹰钩鼻;snub nose 狮子鼻;bulbous nose 球状鼻;grecian nose 悬胆鼻;Roman nose 鹰鼻;mouth 嘴/口;cavity 口腔;slobber