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文档介绍:Pride and Prejudice -----Jane Austen ? Background ? Different types of marriages ? Conclusion Background ? In Austen ’ s time, women of the gentry( 贵族们,名流)who never married were expected to be permanently celibate( 永久独身)and to conduct their lives in a way that served others. Unless they had an independent fortune, they were expected to reduce their own needs to the minimum necessary for respected survival. ? Most of spinsters( 老处女)of Austen ’ s time had little e of their own and few ways of earning money respectably. Most relied on fathers, brothers, or uncles to supply what necessities they could not purchase with their own meager funds( 微薄的资金). Spinsters without family who could provide for them often were forced to go into service as governesses, school teachers, or companions to the aged and ill, while minimally respectable, generally lowered their social position even further. ? Pride and Prejudice focuses on the importance of marriage to the lives of women of the gentry in the late eighteenth- and early eenth-century England. When we focus exclusively on the issue of marriage in the novel, however,the fact that many women of Austen ’ s time never married is often overlooked. Life for women without husbands was very different form life for those with living mates ? In Pride and Prejudice, none of the young women at the center of the story are heiresses( 女继承人). In fact, all of the sisters, as well as Charlotte Lucas, need to marry to secure their financial futures. Austen's letters indicate her keen awareness of the problems of single women who e impoverished by the death of their parents, as the sisters would be so if their father died before they married. Different types of marriage Contents ?导语?各位女士代表类别分析?对现世的指导—现实婚姻观 The book “ Pride and Prejudice ” written by Jane Austen is the most representative work on the theme of love and marriage , which depicts the marriage and love and shows the author ’