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文档介绍:ISSN 1000-9825, CODEN RUXUEW E-mail: ******@iscas.
Journal of Software, , , March 2009, −659
doi: . Tel/Fax: +86-10-62562563
© by Institute of Software, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

温俊+, 蒋杰, 窦文华
(国防科学技术大学计算机学院,湖南长沙 410073)
Equitable Direction Optimizing and Node Scheduling for Coverage in Directional Sensor
WEN Jun+, JIANG Jie, DOU Wen-Hua
(School puter, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China)
+ Corresponding author: E-mail: ******@nudt.
Wen J, Jiang J, Dou WH. Equitable direction optimizing and node scheduling for coverage in directional
works. Journal of Software, 2009,20(3):644−659. /1000-9825/
Abstract: To meet the coverage challenges arising in directional wireless works, this paper presents two
distributed direction optimizing algorithms and a node scheduling: enhanced greedy algorithm (EGA), equitable
direction optimization (EDO) and neighbors sensing scheduling (NSS) protocol. EGA algorithm optimizes direction
merely according to the amount of uncovered targets. It is used as the baseline parison. EDO adjusts the
directions of nodes to cover the critical targets superiorly and allocates sensing resource among nodes fairly to
minimize the coverage differences between nodes. The utility function is introduced in EDO to assess the value of a
direction contributed to works sensing. The factors which affecting the utility posed of the targets
in per direction, the coverage of targets and the neighbor’s decision of direction. EDO always selects the direction
with the maximum utility as the working direction. NSS arranges all sensors into multiple cover sets and allows a
node to join several cover sets. Through employing local cover set, NSS identifies a redundant node and decides
whether it can sleep while taking residual energy to account. Nodes are activated in turn and the energy
