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文档介绍:Unit One Occupations people from all walks of life 各行各业的人们? walk n.〖C〗行业;职业;社会阶层? They interview people from all walks of life. 他们采访各行各业的人。? People from every walk of life enjoy television. Now we find women involved in every walk of life. ? grow up 长大***? What do you want to be when you grow up? ? grown-up adj. 长大的;成年的/ n. ***? She has a grown-up daughter who lives abroad. ? The film is for grown-ups only. take up ? 1)开始学****课程) ? John took up art while at school. ? What is your son taking up in college? ? She ’ s taken up flower-decoration at evening classes. ?2)开始从事(活动),发展某种爱好? take up gardening, golf, acting, etc 从事园艺、高尔夫球、表演等? He ’ s taken up photography as a hobby. ? When he left school, he took up medicine as a career. ? She has taken up a job as a nurse. ? 3) 占用(时间或空间) ? We have already taken up too much of your valuable time. ? The table takes up too much room. ? take up the challenge 接受挑战? various 多种多样的;各种不同的;好些? He talked about various things. ? a variety of 各种各样的;多种多样的? The shop has a variety of toys. ? society 1)社团,协会 n . 〖C〗? a music society ? the Red Cross Society of China ? 2)社会 n 〖U〗(前面无冠词) ? in society ? in German society ? human society ? thus 1) ( 就)这样, (象)这样 like this ? Thus, he was able to finish the work quickly. ? Thus the question was finally settled. ? 2) 因此 as a result ? He studied hard, thus he got high marks.