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文档介绍:学士学位论文论文题目: 股市趋势技术分析研究股市趋势技术分析研究摘要中国股市至今已经走过了 24 个春秋,经历过牛市,也经历过熊市!股市技术分析者通过利用股市本身的历史数据对未来走势进行预测,同时存在三个基本假设即:“市场反映一切,价格呈现趋势变动,历史会重演。”全球金融市场之间存在通性,同时又有着各自的特殊性,既然是研究中国股市,本文将基于中国股市的特殊性,重点在移动平均线周期,艾略特波浪理论,道氏理论,相对强弱指标 RSI 四个方面对股市趋势技术方面予以剖析。 2014 年下半年开启的新一轮牛市,激发了中国股民进入股市的热情,作为即将步入社会的证券从业者,在这这方面加以研究对自身也是一种提高,同时希望能给投资者在实际股票交易操作中,带来一些有益的建议和参考价值,以期获得丰厚的投资回报。[关键词]:中国股市,趋势技术分析 Technology on the stock market trend analysis Xiao Yiping ( Beifang University of Nationalities School of economics Ningxia Yinchuan 750021) ABSTRACT China stock markets, which experienced bull market and bear market, has established since 24 years ago. T echnical analists of stock market forecasted the tendency in the future by historical data of stock market. M eanwhile, they putted forward three basic hypothesises: market reacts everything, price presents tendency moving and history repeats itself. G lobal financial markets have generality and particularity as well. R eferring to the research of China stock markets, this paper based on the particularity of China stock markets. B esides, this paper focused on four aspects to analyse stock markets tendency on the perspective of technology. T he four aspects are moving average aycle, Elliott wave theory, Dowthcory and relative strength index (RSI). C hinese investors ’ passion was aroused by the new round of bull market in the latter half of 2014. Asa securities practitioners who is going to enter the society, one can improve a lot from the research of market tendency. M oreover, this paper is hoped to bring some beneficial suggestions and reference value to investors in the actual operations of stock trading so as to reward handsomely. [KEY WORDS]: China stock markets , Technical analysis of trends 目录前言…………………………………………………………………………………… 1 一、移动平均线 MA与周易周期融合理论………………………………………… 1 (一)移动平均线周期……………………………………………………………… 1 (二)融合周易周期后的移动平均线……………………………………………… 2 二、艾略特波浪理论………………………………………………………………… 2 (一) 基本要点……………………………………………………………………… 3 (二) 基本特点………………………………………………………………………