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文档介绍:陕西理工学院毕业论文毕业论文(设计) ?? K TV 娱乐信息管理系统??周宏堂?? 1109064008 ??????数学与计算机科学学院????信息与计算科学 11 01班????张瑞林????陕西理工学院 201 5年6月6日陕西理工学院毕业论文-1- KTV ????????周宏堂( 陕理工数计学院信计 11 01 班,陕西汉中 723000) 指导老师:张瑞林[ 摘要] 随着社会的发展,人类的进步,21 世纪人们的生活的水平有所提高,为了满足人们对生活的需要, 丰富业余生活,就需要有一些娱乐的设施来弥补这些空缺,所以开发了 KTV 娱乐信息管理系统。论文详细论述了系统总体设计思想、数据库设计以及功能模块设计等,给出了 KTV 娱乐信息管理系统一般流程。该系统主要包括:系统用户管理、员工信息管理、包房信息管理,歌曲库管理等模块。可实现对各种歌曲的查询点播、播放控制歌曲,并且调用了在线点播功能。/ 该系统可以管理各种歌曲及用户,较好的实用性,能够进行快速点歌。相信该系统会给人们生活带来更多的乐趣。关键词 JSP 播放歌曲, SQL 陕西理工学院毕业论文-2- KTV management system Author : zhouhongtang ( Grade04,Class101,Major Information puting Since , Math puting Since Dept. , Shaanxi University of Technology , Hanzhong 723000 , Shaanxi) Tutor : ZhangRuiLin Abstract : Along with society's development and humanity's progress , 21 centuries people's life level has the enhancement , in order to satisfy the people to the life need , the rich extra-curricular life , needs to have some entertainment the facility to make up these vacancies, therefore has developed from moving point song system 。 This article mainly introduced from the moving point song system analysis , the design and the realization process 。 This system mainly includes according toa Pinyin song , according toa song number of words song , selects the song according to the song author , according to the song asterism song 、 according toa song type song 、 according to the song language classification song six big spots songs module , realizes to each kind of song inquiry , the selection and broadcast 。 Each function module all can inquire thinks the main point the song 。 Is singing time also may broadcast the control song , adjusted the sound box effect I to transfer Mixer the API function adjustment sound box volume size 。 This system may manage each kind of song , Has a better usability , can carry on the fast spot song , believed this system can give the people to live brings more pleasure 。 Key words : Song inquiry , broadcast , Song 陕西理工学院毕业论文-3- ?? 1??......................


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