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文档介绍:Dynamic, powerful pact This is what we stand for. You want to implement your machine and plant concepts efficiently and easily or op- timise existing concepts to reduce costs? Then, Lenze is the partner you are looking for. For more than 60 years, drive and auto- mation pet- ence. Lenze about us Cut your process costs and increase your ability pete. Let usanalyse yourdrive We can offer you automation solutions in- cluding control, visualisation and drive technology tasks and support you with technology froma single source. Our drive made-to- systems will improve the performance of integrated approach to projects thanks to your machines. Fromproject planning to the scalability of ourproducts andthe missioning, we have the know-how, of the overall portfolio. We can get the best fromyour machines and systems. whilst our international sales and work can provide you with expert help and advice at any time. Further ponents This catalogue describes servo motors. Fur- ponents in the above systemover- Catalogue: Servo Drives 9400 Servo Drives 9400 Catalogue: ECS servo system ECS servo system view may be found in the following cata- logues: Catalogue: 9300servoinverters 9300 servo inverter Catalogue: G-motion servo MC Geared servo motors System overview Servo motors Overview Servo motors Contents 6 General information 14 Drive dimensioning 29 MCS synchronous servo motors 44 MD?KS synchronous servo motors 125 MCA asynchronous servo motors 151 MQA asynchronous servo motors 205 MDFQA asynchronous servo motors 226 System cables 239 Lenze world-wide 258 5 Servo motors en 03/2009 Contents Servo motors General information Product key MCSsynchronous servo motors 14 MCA asynchronous servo motors 16 MQA asynchronous servo motors 18 MD?KS synchronous servo motors 20 MDFQA asynchronous servo motors 21 Product information Servo motors 22 About this catalogue 24 List of abbreviations 25 Standards and operating conditions 27 Drive dimensioning Servo motor designs


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