文档介绍:摘要 I 摘 要 自 2003 年美国高盛公司提出“金砖四国”将会在 2050 年成为世界一极的预言以来, 各国对这四个国家多有着广泛的关注,“金砖四国”这四个成员在各方面的成就是显而易见的, 2009 年 6 月 14 日至 18 日在俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡举行的“金砖四国”领导人首次会晤,更是促进了这四个国家的交流与合作,所以研究“金砖四国”成员的金融监管体制对于我国有很重要的意义。 2007 年底的金融危机给国际金融业以沉重的打击,各个国家又重新开始审视各自的金融监管体制,审慎监管的呼声越来越高,加强金融监管已成为各国的共识。“金砖四国”作为新兴的经济体,对国际政治格局起着越来越重要的作用,他们金融业的发展程度也对国际金融业有着举足轻重的作用,所以研究金砖四国的金融监管体制有着重要的现实意义。本文拟通过对“金砖四国”成员金融监管体制的研究,找出其在多年发展过程中的经验教训,与我国进行对比,去其糟粕,取其精华,完善我国的金融监管体制。本文以金融监管体制理论为出发点,把“金砖四国”的金融监管体制进行充分论述,分析其特点,再通过他们之间的比较来指导我国金融监管实践。本文分四个部分,第一章是导论, 主要阐述研究的背景、意义、主要内容、研究方法等要说明的问题,同时介绍了国内外相关的研究现状和创新点;第二章论述金融监管体制相关定义及金融监管体制的分类等金融监管体制的的基础知识和金融监管的理论,及金融监管的成本—收益分析,为下两章的分析打下理论基础;第三章分别对“金砖四国”成员的金融监管体制进行深入分析并进行对比,并对这四个国家在金融危机后的改革进行了综合评述;第四章是“金砖四国”金融监管体制的启示,分别从信息化、存款保险制度、组织结构、人员素质及国际合作交流进行了论述。关键字 金砖四国;金融监管体制;存款保险制度 Abstract II Abstract Since 2003, Goldman pany of the Unite d States predicted that “BRIC” will be the one of the Strongest of the world, these four countries have a wide range of concerns. The achievements in different fields of the four me mbers of the BRIC is obvious, In June 14 to 18 of 2009 BRIC’s leaders take the first meeting in Russia's Yeka terinburg, this meeting promote BRIC members’ exchanges munion and cooperation. So the research of financial supervision system of BRIC me mbers is very important for our country. By the end of 2007,world financial system was shock by financia l crisis, so the number of countries began to look at their financial supervision system, more and more countries are highly concerned by the financial supeervi sion. what’s more strengthening of financial supervision has e a consensus among the all countries. BRIC’ me mbers as emerging economies are not only play an important role in the politicking, but al so in international fi nancial system. So the study of BRIC member's financia l supervision system has important prac tical significance. The thesis want to find the course of BRI C’s years of development experience and lessons by research the BRIC’s memb