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Scary Vampire Story.doc

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Scary Vampire Story.doc



文档介绍:海量资料下载免费学****英语 (申请网址) 洛基国际英语竭诚为您服务 Todd's uncle Johnson always kept lots of garlic at home and there was a cross in every corner of his house, even his fence was made up of crosses and there was a big cross on top of his roof, just like a church. Just across the road from his home was an ancient house. Its windows and doors were boarded up for centuries and no one rented or sold it. Local people used to say that one can hear screeching ofa bat from inside the home and many people also reported seeing shadow ofa tall and lanky ( 瘦长的) man in the window, on the upper floor, which was the only one not covered with boards. Despite the long time for which the house had not been used, it always used to look clean. There was not even a single leaf in the backyard. The bats seemed to love the place and at night, a number of bats used to appear there, as if from nowhere. According to the folklore (民俗学) , the house was lived-in by a real vampire. Many people were reported to have died inexplicably in front of the house. Their eyes used to be wide open, as if they had seen something horrible when they died. It was also a site where accidents used to occur quite frequently. It was said that the vampire of the house opposite that of Uncle Johnson s, used to reveal his face t