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文档介绍:毕业论文(初稿) 题目 OA 自动化办公系统英文题目 OA office automation system 学生姓名: 蔡李钢申请学位门类: 本科学号: 201120182034 专业: 软件工程学院: 软件学院指导教师: 赵丹职称: 讲师、硕士二0 一五年四月十八日摘要随着计算机技术、网络技术和通信技术的快速发展,企业无纸化办公是一个必然的趋势。基于 web 形式的自动化办公系统的出现,满足了企业对大量信息快速的处理传递,使得我们的工作效率和工作质量得到了大大的提高,不仅节省了资源,还极大的推动了企业的发展。办公系统的出现,使企业各个部门员工之间即使相距很远,也能够轻松办公。可以说,自动化办公系统的合理使用,将让企业的发展进入一个新的高度。本论文介绍了课题研究的背景、目的和意义以及 OA的发展状况,详细介绍了课题研究采用的相关技术和理论知识。系统主要功能有以下几个模块:请假销假流程模块、费用报销模块、采购申请模块、周报管理模块、考勤打卡模块等。本系统采用 J2EE 技术规范,运用 Spring+Hibernate+JSP+Oracle 的MVC 三层模式设计架构,流程方面使用 snaker 工作流引擎技术。本系统主要阐述 OA 自动化办公的工作流管理及一些日常业务方面的管理。关键字:snaker; 办公自动化;springmvc; 流程管理 ABSTRACT With the rapid development puter technology, network technology munication technology, the paperless office isai nevitable trend. Emergence of office automation system based on the web form, to meet the enterprise information fast processing, make our work efficiency and quality has been greatly improved, not only saves resources, but also greatly promoted the development of system, make the enterprise each department staff even though far apart, but also can relaxed office. It can be said, the rational use of office automation system, will make the development of enterprises into a new height. This paper introduces the research background, purpose and significance and the development status of OA, introduces the research adopted the related technology and theory of knowledge. The main function of the system has the following modules: leave for leave process module, application module, purchasing expense module, report management module, attendance punch card module. The J2EE specification of the system, using Spring+Hibernate+JSP+Oracle MVC three Layer model architecture design process, using Snaker workflow engine technology. This system is mainly the OA Office Automation Workflow Management and daily business management. Key words : snaker; Office automation; spring mvc; Process management 目录绪论……………………………………………………………………………… 1 第1章相关技术和理论基础 工作流…………………………………………………


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