文档介绍:格列吡嗪缓释片的制备及工艺研究 Research on Preparation Techniqies of Glipizide Sustained Release Tablets 孟爱红崔改英苏贵勇付建(山东方明药业集团股份有限公司,山东菏泽 274500 ) Meng Aihong , Cui Gaiying , Su Guiyong , Fu Jian ( Shandong Fangming Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd , Shandong Heze 274500 ) 摘要: 目的制备格列吡嗪缓释片并对释药因素进行考察。方法采用湿法制粒工艺, 以羟丙甲基纤维素( HPMC ) 为骨架材料, 制备格列吡嗪缓释片; 运用正交设计法筛选确定制剂处方;对 HPMC 规格和用量、稀释剂种类等影响释药的因素进行考察,并在此基础上进行处方筛选。结果格列吡嗪缓释片的体外释药行为符合 Higuchi 方程, HPMC 用量、 HPM C 规格对药物的释放产生一定的影响,而润湿剂浓度、压片的压力等对释药几乎无影响。结论采用 HPMC 作为基本骨架材料,结合其他辅料,可制备日服 1 次的格列吡嗪缓释片。关键词: 格列吡嗪;羟丙甲基纤维素;缓释片;释放度 ABSTRACT Objective: To prepare Glipizide Sustained Release Tablets and to study its in vitro release activity. Method: The hydrophilic matrix hydroxypropyl methylcellulose(HPMC) was used to prepare sustained-release tablets by the wet pression technique. Methods Orthogonal design was utilized to obtain the best formula. Specifications and the amount of HPMC, diluents and other types of factors affect the drug release study, and on this basis of formulation. Results : Glipizide tablets in vitro release behavior consistent with Higuchi equation, HPMC content, HPMC on drug release specifications have some impact, but the concentration of wetting agents, tablet's pressure almost no effect on the release. Conclusion : HPMC as the basic skeleton material used bination with other materials, can be prepared 1 day service of Glipizide tablets. Key words: