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文档介绍:山东农业大学硕士学位论文 Abstract With theoutbreak oftheContemporary social crisis,thehigh frequency and large—scale trends ing.,the modem society has e a“risk pluralistic society”,and there anization can escape thecrisis,resulting thatChina has entered aperiod ,how tosafeguard the public interestand to ensure publicsafety,and promote healthy development ofsociety,has e a major issueinthefaceofgovernment. More and more new kinds ofmedia has been widely used inpeople’S daily lives,new kinds of media has made full use oftheir own advantages to influence andchange thepublic worldview, thegrowing popularity work environment,the increasing channel work information,workenvironment e afield,in which people Canexpress theirviews and opinions ofthepublic. leads tothegeneralization ofspread,allowing people toget information fasterand more convenient,the generation work public opinion”can berealized for thefirsttime,the public opinion Can beobtained bylarge—scale usersand diffusion ofthecrisisCan be realized munication management work has e afieldthat call not beignored by thegovemment and thisarticle,targeted toanalysis thetheory of thecrisisand work public opinion bined,summed up work of public opinion incrisismanagement,providing astandard ofcrisismanagement andValues;making the rights ofcitizens inpublic opinion work realized;Playing theroleof an open andtransparent information inthemodem crisismanagement system,to build awhole system ofcrisismanagement public opinion already incrisismanagement playsanirreplaceable Developing crisishighlights work ofpublic opinion,is thebasic form ofthepresent stage of socialcontradiction rational use ofpublic opinion Can effectively alleviate socialcontradictions,enhance socialresponsibility;Conversely,if public opinion disorderly,flooding,it willlead tOsocial conflicts ,the government,the media,the audience should fosterself-responsibility,jointly


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