文档介绍:I 摘要随着现代教育技术的快速发展,学习的方式发生了巨大的变化,不仅仅局限于传统的教学模式,各种个性化的学习方式层出不穷。其中利用网络技术而形成了的一种不受地域和时间限制、高效率的新型辅助教学模式,即网上在线学习模式得到了更多用户的认可。在该学习模式下,学员可以根据个人的需求,自主灵活地选择学习内容和在线交流,增强了师生的交互性。IT技术具有很强的实践性,且知识更新快,在传统教学模式很难及时学习这些知识,所以 IT行业急需构建一种能集高效学习和相互交流IT相关技术的新型学习系统。本文通过对 IT相关技术课程的总结,以及对在线学习模式优势的分析,提出了一种运用 B/S 模型的 IT在线学习系统,利用当前较流行的 技术、 Ajax 技术和 MVC 开发模式进行开发,并通过 SQL Server 2005 对数据进行存储。通过本系统可以让每一个学员不受时间和空间的限制、高效率地去学习 IT相关技术,从而提高学员对 IT技术的兴趣,并在最短的时间内掌握自己所需要的技术,最后能运用这些技术去解决自己在学习工作中遇到的问题。关键词:新型教学模式,在线学习系统, IT技术,B/S 架构 Abstract II With the rapid development of modern education technology , great changes have taken place in the way of learning. It isnot limited to the traditional teaching mode, all kinds of personalized learning methods emerge in endlessly. A new high efficiency auxiliary teaching mode was formed based work technology, and it isnot subject to geographical and time constraints. The online learning mode has won the acceptance of more users. In this model, students can flexibly choose their own way to study munication online according to individual requirements, which enhances the interactivity between teachers and students. The IT technology has strong practicality, and it updates quickly. It is difficult to learn these knowledge timely in traditional teaching mode. A new learning system by which people can learn municate IT related technologies with each others efficiently needs to set up urgently in IT industry. Through summarized of IT technologies and analysed the advantages of Online Teaching mode, it designed “ IT Online Learning system ”.Which used Ajax technology that is popularer to development website ,MVC structure and stored data by SQL Server this system, people can learn IT technologies efficiently without geographical and time constraints. It can improve students' interest in IT technology, and let them master what they need technology in the shortest possible time .Finally the student can use these techniques to solve their problems in learning. Keywords: