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10. 病原清除.ppt

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10. 病原清除.ppt


文档介绍:Pathogen Eradication 病原体的根除 Bob Morrison DVM, MBA, PhD University of Minnesota Swine Group Consider Control vs Elimination 考虑控制和排除 What is a practical high health herd? 实际上的高健康猪群是什么样的? ? Free of the following: 无以下疾病: ? Exotics (FMD, CSF , ASF, PRV) 外来的疾病(口蹄疫,猪瘟,非洲猪瘟,伪狂犬病病毒) ? Dysentery and progressive Rhinitis 痢疾和进行性(萎缩性)鼻炎? TGE 传染性胃肠炎? PRRSv 猪繁殖呼吸综合症(病毒) ? Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae 肺炎支原体? A. pleuropneumoniae 猪放线杆菌胸膜肺炎? Salmonella cholerasuis 猪霍乱沙门氏菌 Benefits of eliminating pathogens 消除病原体的益处? Better biological performance and lower production cost 提高生物学性能和降低生产成本? Less need for antibiotics 减少抗生素的使用量? Improved animal welfare by reducing suffering from disease 减少病痛,提高动物福利? Improved staff morale 提升员工士气 Can We Eradicate All Pathogens? 我们能根除所有病原体吗? ? No .不能。 Many are part of the normal flora: 很多属于正常菌群的组成部分? 猪沙门氏菌? H. parasuis 副猪嗜血杆菌? Cytomegalovirus 巨细胞病毒? Circovirus 圆环病毒? Endogenous retrovirus 内源逆转录病毒 Previous/Present Eradication Attempts 以前/现在根除病原的努力? 70 ’ s: SPF 70 年代:无特定病原? 80 ’ s: Depopulation-Repopulation 80 年代: 清群-复群? 90 ’ s: SEW 90 年代:隔离早期断奶? 00 ’ s: Herd closures 21 世纪:封群 Why Did Some Fail 为什么有一些会失败? SPF : failed to capture interest in mainstream swine producers 无特定病原:不能吸引主流养猪者的兴趣? Depop : became difficult when seedstock suppliers got infected with PRRS 清群:当核心猪场感染猪繁殖呼吸综合症时变得困难? SEW : contrary to expectations, did not eliminate many pathogens 隔离早期断奶:与预期相反,不能消除许多病原 Reasons for Failure 失败的原因? Rely on signs and lesions rather than pathogen detection 依靠病征和损害,而不是依靠病原检测? Applying information from small scale experiments to large populations 来源于小规模试验的信息应用于大规模? Fail to understand pensate for area spread of disease 不能理解和补偿地方流行疾病 Eradication Strategies 根除策略? Strategic medication (. dysentery) 给药策略(比如,痢疾) ? SEW 隔离早期断奶? Partial depopulation 部分清群? Depopulation/Repopulation 清群/复群? Test and removal 检测和淘汰? Herd Closure 封群 Strategic medication 给药策略? Dysentery (in conjunction with moving off dirt), 痢疾(与移除污物相结合) ? Cli