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文档介绍:Section A Unit 5 Invitation: Can e to my party? Acception : Sure, I ’ d love to (come). Declination: Sorry, I can ’ t. I… Key words: lesson 课程 concert 音乐会 Key phrases: study for a test 为考试而学****help my parents 帮助我的父母 go to the doctor 去看医生 visit my aunt 拜访我的姑姑 have a piano lesson 上钢琴课对于别人的邀请,你可能有不同的原因和理由表示谢绝,还记得下面的原因和理由吗?试着翻译-Can e to my party? -I’ m sorry I can ’ t. I_______________. 1. 得去探望我叔叔 2. 得去上吉他课 3. 得帮助我父母 4. 得做做运动 5. 有很多作业要写 6. 得去看医生 7. 得学****准备考试 8. 得上钢琴课 9. 得照看我妹妹 10. 得去和爷爷钓鱼 11. 得去拜访我表兄弟 12. 感觉不舒服 have to visit my uncle have to go to my guitar lesson have to help my parents have to do exercises have much homework to do have to go to the doctor have to study for a test have a piano lesson have to babysit my sister have to go fishing with grandpa have to visit my cousin am not feeling well Match the words with the pictures, then put them in Chinese: for a test___ to the doctor___ a piano lesson____ my parents ___ my aunt____ bd a ce ten. Write the names (Tim, Wilson, Anna, Kay) next to the correct students in the picture Ted Tim Kay Anna Wilson A: Can e to my party on Wednesday ? B: Sure, I ’ d love to. C: Sorry, I can ’ t. I have a piano lesson . D: I ’ m sorry, too. I have to go to the doctor . Task 1: Groupwork Student A invite three students to your party. Students B,C,and D, give answers. “ can ” or “ can ’t”. 1. Jeff can / can ’ e to the party. 2. Mary can / can ’ e to the party. 3. May can / can ’ e to the party. 4. Claudia can / can ’ e to the party. 5. Paul can / can ’ e to the party. 2a 2b Listen again. Number the reasons [1-3]why people can ’ t go to the party. I have to study for a test. I have to have a piano lesson. Why can ’ t e to the party? I have to go to the concert. reasons