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computer method for calculating percentage apparem purity of…:计算百分比apparem纯度的计算机方法….pdf

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computer method for calculating percentage apparem purity of…:计算百分比apparem纯度的计算机方法….pdf

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/4/3 文件大小:0 KB


computer method for calculating percentage apparem purity of…:计算百分比apparem纯度的计算机方法….pdf


文档介绍:Computer Method for Calculating Percentage Apparent Purity of Su g ar Beet Thin Juice ' E A. M ILLIK EN AND RICHARD .J. HECK EI<2 Re c ei v ed for t)lL(Jlic{ffinn 1 i, 1()6; The percentage ap par ent puri ty of sug ar b ee t thin jui c e is used to d e termine the processing quality of sug ar beets . Because of the increasing importan ce o f pu r it y, suga r beet 'bree der s are carr yin g o ut m ore ext e nsive r es ear c h pro gra ms o n this c hara c t e r. The app ar ent thin juice purity is ordin a rily determined o n sug a r beet pr esse d jui ce whic h h as be e n def eca ted w ith lim e, then parti a lly n e utrali ze d with oX i liic or phosphoric ac id. This thin jui ce clos e ly appr ox im ates th e factory second carbonation jui ce, Carruth ers and Oldfield (3)". This ca l c ulati o n of percent- a ge thin juice purity from the thi n ju ice sac ch arim ete r and ref rac tom e ter r ea dings is a t ime-c ons umin g and costly opera- tion when don e manu a ll y. H e nce a mf' tho d was de velo ped to co m pute this apparent purity on a n ele c troni c computer. A co m pute r i s de sig ned to do routine calculations, sLlch as thi s, w ith hi gh sp e ed a nd accuracy, resulting in low er computati o n c