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文档介绍:中国政府采购制度改革中国政府采购制度改革 Introduction to China Introduction to China ’’ s s Government Procurement System Government Procurement System 中华人民共和国财政部国库司副司长中华人民共和国财政部国库司副司长周成跃周成跃 Zhou Zhou Chengyue Chengyue Deputy Director General ,Treasury Department Deputy Director General ,Treasury Department Ministry of Finance Ministry of Finance 上海上海· ·2005 2005 年年4 4月月27 27日日 Shanghai ,27th April 2005 Shanghai ,27th April 2005 一、我国政府采购制度改革历程一、我国政府采购制度改革历程 Reform History of China Reform History of China ’’ s Government s Government Procurement System Procurement System ??我国在我国在 1994 1994 年实行税收年实行税收制度改革,建立了分税制度改革,建立了分税制。随着收入管理体制制。随着收入管理体制改革的不断深入,财政改革的不断深入,财政改革重点转移到财政支改革重点转移到财政支出领域,其中的一项重出领域,其中的一项重要内容是政府采购制度要内容是政府采购制度改革。改革。?? In 1994,China reformed the In 1994,China reformed the taxation system and established a taxation system and established a new tax distribution system. As new tax distribution system. As the reform in the e the reform in the e distribution system consolidated, distribution system consolidated, the focus of fiscal reform was the focus of fiscal reform was shifted to the field of public shifted to the field of public finance expenditure. The reforms finance expenditure. The reforms in government procurement in government procurement system were reformed within this system were reformed within this context. context. (一)我国政府采购制度改革始于 1996 年 China ’ s reform in government procurement system began in 1996. (二)改革经历了四个主要阶段: (二)改革经历了四个主要阶段: The reform experienced four major stages: The reform experienced four major stages: ??研究探索阶段( 研究探索阶段( 1996 1996 - - 1998 1998 年年7 7月) 月) 制定了我国实施政府采制定了我国实施政府采购的思路和框购的思路和框??试点初创阶段( 试点初创阶段( 1998 1998 年年7 7月月-2000 -2000 年年6 6月) 月) 拉开了政府采购制度改拉开了政府采购制度改革工作的序幕革工作的序幕?? Research and Exploration Research and Exploration Stage (1996 ~ July 1998) Stage (1996 ~ July 1998) Setting the methodology Setting the methodology and framework of the and framework of the reform. reform. ?? Initial Stage of Experiment