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cell 2014 biology iPhone siri (1).pdf

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cell 2014 biology iPhone siri (1).pdf



文档介绍:Leading Edge Essay Siri of the Cell: What Biology Could Learn from the iPhone Anne-Ruxandra Carvunis 1and Trey Ideker 1 , * 1Department of Medicine, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA *Correspondence: ******@ http://dx./. Moderngenomicsis very ef?cient at works, but howto transform these maps into predictive models of the cell remains unclear. Recent progress puter science, embodied by intelligent agents such as Siri, inspires an approach for moving works to multiscale models able to predict a range of cellular phenotypes and answer biological questions. In case you haven’t heard, Siri is the virtual personal assistant on Apple’s iPhone operating system. Your wish is Siri’mand. It understands what you say and can take action on your behalf, such as sending messages, scheduling meet- ings, placing phone calls, or researching nearby hotels and restaurants. If you speak directly to your mobile device and ask, for instance, ‘‘?nd me a good sushi restaurant for two tonight,’’ the screen will display a list of restaurants from which you can choose to make your dinner reservation. Although Siri has little to say about cell biology, it is easy to think of biological questions one might ask, if only Siri could answer. For example: ‘‘Patient P has a tumor recurrence with new mutations X and Y—which drugs should I prescribe’’