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文档介绍:毕业设计(论文) 毕业设计题目: 网站的设计与实现重庆航天职业技术学院毕业设计说明书(论文) 摘要随着经济、信息全球化的发展,各高校之间以及高校各院系、团体以及学生之间的信息交流、信息共享已经变得尤为重要。但是经过调查发现,目前我国部分高校还未能给学生提供一个信息交流的平台,这导致的信息缺乏将会给高校以及高校学生的发展带来一定的影响。学院论坛系统正是以本学院学生作为使用对象而开发的,它的开发可以给学生提供一个互相交流的渠道,也给学院和学生之间的信息交流提供了便利。系统实现了在线讨论、疑难问题询问、阅览等功能。论坛设有管理员,管理员拥有管理论坛的权限,拥有创建、编辑、删除论坛版块和管理注册用户的权限。注册用户可以发表自己的话题,同时可以就自己感兴趣的内容进行讨论、回复等。游客只能浏览论坛中的内容。经过严格的分析,系统采用 SQL Server2005 建立具有完整性和一致性的数据库, 前台开发工具采用 Visual Studio 2005 ,使用它的可视化组件来完成功能完备、易于操作和管理的论坛系统。关键词: SQL Server , ,论坛重庆航天职业技术学院毕业设计说明书(论文) ABSTRACT With the development of the economy and the info r mationization, munication and information sharing between universities, communities and students e more and more important. But through our investigation we can find that a large part of universities still can not provide their students a platform munication. The lacking of information leaded by this will bring a cer tain a ffection to the development of universities and their students. The forum system of School of Civil Engineering of the Hunan University of Technolo gy was developed for its students, the development of this system provided students a medium munication with each other and convenience between the faculty and its students. This system carried out functions of discussing on line, problematic inquire , reading and soon. It set a manager who had the right to manage the forum, including creating, editing, deleting the editions and manage registered users. Registered users could post and discuss or reply to what they are interested in. Unregistered users could just browse the contents of the forum. Through the strict analysis, this system use d the SQL Server 2000 to build pleted and identical database , chose the Visual Studio 2005 as the developing tool and use d its ponents plete this forum system which has perfect functions and is easy tobe operated and managed. Keywords: SQL Server , , Forum 重庆航天职业技术学院毕业设计说明书(论文) 目录第1章前言....................................................