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文档介绍:XXXXXXX 毕业论文摘要本设计是基于 51系列的单片机进行的实时日历和时钟显示设计,可以显示年月日时分秒及周信息,具有可调整日期和时间功能。在设计的同时对单片机的理论基础和外围扩展知识进行了比较全面准备。实时日历和时钟显示的设计过程在硬件与软件方面进行同步设计。硬件部分主要由 AT89 S52单片机, LED 显示电路,以及调时按键电路等组成, 系统通过 LED 显示数据,所以具有人性化的操作和直观的显示效果。软件方面主要包括时钟程序、键盘程序,显示程序等。本系统以单片机的汇编语言进行软件设计,为了便于扩展和更改,软件的设计采用模块化结构,使程序设计的逻辑关系更加简洁明了, 以便更简单地实现调整时间及日期显示功能。所有程序编写完成后,在 wave 软件中进行调试,确定没有问题后, 在 Proteus 软件中嵌入单片机内进行仿真。关键词:AT89S52 ;DS1302 ;LED XXXXXXX 毕业论文 2 Abstract This design is based on 51 series monolithic integrated circuits ofa real-time calendar and the clock shows the design, you can show how and when a week, has may adjust the date and time functions. in the design for monolithic integrated circuits, and peripheral to expand the basic theories of knowledge was prehensive preparation. Real-time calendar and the clock shows the design in hardware and software design of hardware that is synchronized. the led display at89s52 monolithic integrated circuits, and when should the electrical circuits, the system through the led display data so be humanized operate and intuitive that effect. including the software application programs, the keyboard, the program, etc. This system to monolithic integrated circuits of the assembly language for easily developing software design, and changes, software design to use modular design, the programming logical relationship with more and more so as to realize the time and date display the functions. all procedures in writing after wave of debugging the software and make no question of the proteus software embedded monolithic integrated circuits. Key Words : AT89S52; DS1302; LED XXXXXXX 毕业论文 I 目录 1概述............................................................................................................................. 1 2设计方案论证............................................................................................................. 2 功能要求.......................................................................................................... 2 方案确定...............


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