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jh code of conduct - jolly harbour antigua:jh守则快乐港安提瓜.pdf

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jh code of conduct - jolly harbour antigua:jh守则快乐港安提瓜.pdf

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/4/10 文件大小:0 KB


jh code of conduct - jolly harbour antigua:jh守则快乐港安提瓜.pdf



文档介绍:JOLLY HARBOUR Caribbean Developments (Antigua) Limited . Box 1793, St. John's, Antigua, . Phone: (2 68) 462-3085 Fax: (268) 562-4648 CODE OF CONDUCT This Code of Conduct reflects the spirit of the cov enants signed by each and every property owner. It explains in simple, user-friend ly language the most important guidelines we all need to respect in order to promo te a harmonious, consistent and comfortable standard of living for all residents of Jolly Harbour. Please note that the Code of Conduct does not replace the original coven ants you have signed. 1. USE OF PROPERTY The property is to be used for residential purposes only and may be rented to third parties but at no time used for any kind of trade o r business. The owner of the property is at all times responsible for ensuring that rente rs, employees and contractors respect the Jolly Harbour Code of Conduct. If you are selling your property, it is your respon sibility as the current owner to ensure that the purchaser is well informed on the Jolly Ha rbour Code of Conduct as well as the covenants. You are also responsible for promptly a dvising the CDAL Accounts Office, in writing, that the sale has taken place together plete contact details and coordinates of the new owner. All buildings must be insured for full replacement value at all times. 2. NEW CONSTRUCTION, ADDITIONS AND


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