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文档介绍:1 燕山大学机械学院毕业设计题目小型除雪机的设计专业机械设计制造及其自动化班级机制本 0901 学生学号 000 指导教师董飞二〇一三年五月四日燕山大学机械学院毕业设计 2 2摘要我国北方冬天时间较长,降雪量大,道路积雪堆积多,尤其是车辆不经常行走的小区内,如果不及时的清除积雪,将严重影响交通安全,给人们日常生活带来诸多不便。因此,研发多功能的扫雪机,有很重要的实用、使用价值,更对国民经济的发展起到推动作用。本论文在分析了目前国内国外的主要除雪方法的基础上,提出了一种适合中国国情的小型路面机械清雪车的设计方案,并对其进行了理论分析和具体结构的设计分析,为国内以后生产该种扫雪车提供了完整的技术参考资料。本论文首先进行分析研究了路面上压实积雪的物理性能,并查阅参考了目前的国内外有关该设备的大量资料,再次,在已有成果的基础上,进行设计计算以及机构创新。此次设计扫雪车的原理是,由原动机提供动力,经过链传动将动力传递给输出轴, 输出轴带动抛雪叶轮高速旋转,利用离心力将雪抛出。同时利用减速器来减速带动搅龙传动轴和螺旋搅龙叶片旋转实现集雪作业。其他的动力由变速器传输给车轮轴带动扫雪机前进,实现清雪工作。本论文对小型路面机械清雪车进行了深入的分析,并进一步完善了此机构,设计出此种扫雪设备。关键词:扫雪车螺旋集雪离心扬雪燕山大学机械学院毕业设计 3 3A bstract Winter lasts for a long time in the cold areas of northern China .A great amount of snow falls there each year . Therefore . if the accumulated snow cannot be removed and cleaned in time,it will severely affect the safety of the transport ation and bring out a lot ,of inconveniences to the people ’s daily life . The manufacture of the multi — functional snow-moving machine will be found of important and practical value in forming good transportation and hygiene env iron ment in winter . After analyzing the various means of snow-clearings in the world at present, the project ofa sort of mini snow-blower fit for China isput forward in this paper. Based on the theory study and applied structural design, the three-dimensional solid model , which can offer an entire technical data and engineering drawings for producing factory. This paper first analyse the physical and mechanical properties of paction on the road, then access toa lotof information about this equipment at home and abroad. Design calculations and institutional innovation is based on the result which has been researched. All this information has provided an important theoretical basis for the design calculations and institutional innovate in this paper. O verpass the research and analysis ofm ini Snow-blower nowadays,we realize that the equipment nowadays can carry out the function sof collecting,carrying and throwing there