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文档介绍:太原理工大学硕二L研究生学位论文关帝庙建筑的布局及其空间形态分析一一以山西省境内现存的关帝庙为例摘要关帝庙是伴随着我国封建社会关公信仰的产生与发展而逐渐的发展起来的。自宋代以来,关羽作为民族英雄而成为国家的崇拜对象,到了明清时期,关公信仰高涨到了顶点,关公由人一跃而成为人们心目中的神灵。就关帝庙建筑而言,它的发展也经历了不同的历史阶段的兴衰演变,最终形成了“关公庙貌遍天下,五洲无处不焚香”,蔚为壮观的局面。关帝庙建筑是一种祭祀性建筑,它带有明显的宗教礼制性色彩,符合儒家提倡的纲常伦理思想。而散布于众多村落的关帝庙建筑不仅是祭祀关羽场所,还是地方文化生活的活动中心,且在地方聚落形态中,居于非常重要的地位。关帝庙建筑形态,有的仿效宫殿建筑格局而气势恢宏,也有的受当地风土建筑之影响而粗狂自由,不拘一格。本论文从关公文化现象出发,探讨关帝庙建筑的产生与发展过程;以实例调研与相关文献的研读为基础,在更广的时空范围内认知山西境内的关帝庙建筑:分析了关帝庙建筑的分布格局与选址特太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文点;并对山西关帝庙建筑的平面功能、空间形态及构造技术与装饰艺术进行了研究。论文的最后,在深入分析了山西关帝庙建筑的现状和持续发展的可行性之基础上,对山西关帝庙建筑的保护和修缮工作提出了建设性的意见。本论文通过对山西境内现存关帝庙建筑的深入研究,试图揭示这类建筑的地域性特征,从而为现代建筑创作提供思想源泉。关键词:关帝庙,关公信仰,建筑形态,地域性Ⅱ THE ANALYSIS 0F LAYOUT AND SPACE MODALITY OF GUANDI TEMPLE ARCHITECTURE ——TAKE EXAMPLE FOR GUANDI TEMPLE IN SHANXI AB STRACT The Guandidi Temple has developed with inChina feudal society production and development ofGuangong Faith Song Dynasty'Guanyu e thenational worship object asthenationM hero,to theMing andQing Dynasties,Guangong upward to theapex,then Guangong has being inthepeople mind from ahuman to respect ofGuandi Temple architecture,Its development has gone through the riseand decline indifferent historical stage too,then form”Guangong temple looks all over theworld,five continents have burn incense inany place”situation Of affording amagnificent spectacle is a kind ofsacrificial architecture toGuandi Temple,it not only has obvious religious gift,but also embodies the ethics of scattered around villages not only the place in sacrifice Guanyu but alsothe center oftake local cultrual lifeand thus form asignificient position inagrestic ’modality of Guandi temple architecture ranges from magnificent Palace-like Ⅲ太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 appearance tosmall rough temples freely builtinrural areas. The thesis discuss the course ofproduction and develpment ofthe temple architecture by the study of the phenomenon of Guangong Culture;The thesis issurveyed and studied as the fo