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交通工程毕业论文 交通组织设计.doc

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交通工程毕业论文 交通组织设计.doc

上传人:chemcary 2014/5/21 文件大小:0 KB


交通工程毕业论文 交通组织设计.doc


关键词: 交通组织设计;淄博市中心医院;交通调查;交通分析
anization design is different from the “traffic engineering” and“transportation facility design”,It is a part of “traffic design” for improving the urban transport and traffic importance is: do the traffic demand analysis and the anization of regional traffic,than give full play to the work functions ensuring traffic safety. Central Hospital of zi bo is the largest hospital of prehensive three- ia also the center of the medical treatment, teaching, research and preventive health cares in the city of zi bo. The hospital is located in the city center which has the following characteristics, namely, travel attractive, relatively high accessibility; unreasonable of the structural design of the work, traffic on the implementation of an integrated, lack of forward-looking; traffic flow, diversification of transportation, tendency of motor; internal pedestrian traffic and pedestrian crossing the street; parking demand, a shortage of parking facilities. So it is important that we make full use of the principle of traffic surveys, traffic analysis, traffic assessment, improve the surrounding traffic conditions , improve the speed of vehicles on the surrounding roads, reduce travel time,we also should make full use of existing road space to improve road capacity, keep the roads open road resources to maximize savings, improve traffic order, reduce accidents, save operating costs.
Keywords: anization design; Central Hospital of zibo; traffic surveys;traffic analysis
摘要 I
第一章绪论 - 1 -
研究背景 - 1 -
研究目的与意义 -


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