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文档介绍:Unit Three 重点 1. To learn the new words in this unit. 2. To learn the four skill words eleven, twelve, student, teacher. 3. To learn the new dialogues in this unit. 4. To learn the fun story in Lesson 18. 5. To learn the chant. 6. To learn the song. 7. To learn the sentences: How many boys /girls are there in your class? What subjects do you like? I like … What do you do in English class? 课题 Lesson 13需用时间 1 class hour 教学目的 1. To learn the new words. 2. To learn the new dialogue. 3. Let ’s play. 教学重点 The new words 教学难点 The new dialogue 教学关键 The new sentences 教具准备 Tape-recorder, cards 教学过程: (导入新课、教学内容、教学方法、课后小结、练习安排等) Step 1 Revision 1. Sing a song: It’s time to go to school. 2. Show the number cards to the pupils to review the numbers from 1 to20. Get the pupils to read the numbers one by one. Step 2 The new lesson 1. The teacher asks : What ’s twenty and one? Ask the pupils to answer. 2. Go on the questions to learn the numbers from twenty to twenty-nine. Get the pupils to read the numbers after the teacher. 3. Play a game: What ’s twenty and six? What ’s nine and fourteen? … Ask and


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