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文档介绍:Roderick Usher, A cadaverousness plexion ;an eye large, liquid, and luminous parison ; lips somewhat thin and very pallid, but ofa surpassingly beautiful curve ;a nose ofa delicate Hebrew model, but with a breadth of nostril unusual in similar formations ;a finely moulded chin, speaking, in its want of prominence, ofa want of moral energy; hair ofa more than web-like softness and tenuity ; these features, with an inordinate expansion above the regions of the temple, made up altogether a countenance not easily tobe forgotten. History of the Vampire Vampire myths and legends go back hundreds, and thousands of years. They occur in almost every culture. The different types are many, although the vampires we are familiar with today, are mainly based on Eastern European myths. The modern concept ofa vampire retains many of the original traits from the East European stories. Traits such as drinking blood, preying on humans, ing out at night, rising from the dead. Other aspects of the Vampire, such as Goth type clothing, cloaks, turning in to bats etc are much newer innovations. Other features of some of the old myths are now allbut gone, such as sprinkling salt, or seeds over the Vampire in order to keep them counting all night, rather than preying on human blood. There are lots of different types of Eastern European Vampires here isa little information about the various ones: Slavic Vampires Romanian Vampire Mythology Bats and Vampires The Vampire in England Vampire beliefs in the world today 历史上的吸血鬼吸血鬼神话传说可以追溯到几百,几千年。他们出现在几乎每一种文化。不同类型很多,虽然今天我们所熟悉的吸血鬼,主要是根据东欧神话。现代概念的吸血鬼保留许多原始性状从东欧的故事。性状如饮血,捕食人类,只有晚上出来, 从死里复活。其他方面的吸血鬼,如哥德式服装,外衣,把蝙蝠等新的创新。其他功能的一些古老的神话几乎已经消失,如洒盐,或种子的吸血鬼为了保持计数一夜,而不是捕食人类的血。有很多不同类型的东欧吸血鬼,这里是一个小的各种信息的人: 斯拉夫的吸血鬼罗马尼亚吸血鬼神话蝙蝠和吸血鬼吸血鬼在英国吸血鬼信仰在今天的世界 Slavic Vampires This includes most East Europeans, from Bulgaria right through to Russia, Serbia through to Poland. They have some of the most detailed, traditional and richest Vampire folklore, tales, myths and legends in t


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